MT's thoughts on all kinds of stuff.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

'Switching' and blogging.

Decisive, fearless, planner, thrill seeker, engaged, social, self-centred, comfortable around others, image conscious, likes to be centre of attention, adventurous, outgoing, manipulative, emotionally stable, leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical, prepares for worst case scenarios, organized, orderly, clean, driven, resourceful, finishes most things they start, achieving, risk taker, desires fame/acclaim, image focused, narcissistic, arrogant, perfectionist, driven, academic, scientific, critical, avoids giving in to others, does not like to compromise, sceptical ~ Classic ENTJ profile
As I said the other day, I am feeling somewhat under par at present for a lengthy list of reasons. And as some of you know I am a Myers Briggs type ENTJ, heavy on the extrovert and, well, all components actually. To paraphrase I’m you’re original ‘assess, then get the job done however necessary by day, then have a big fuck off party afterwards’ type.
We talk about this a lot in the O/p group, having discovered over the years that O/p is littered with an abnormally high percentage of   INTJs , and people have sometimes asked me how I feel about the fact that ENTJs are sometimes seen as second in command types. This doesn’t bother me at all as I have spent large periods of my life as a damned fine 2IC person and excel in that role (well, as long as I respect the person in charge. Ahem. See slaves? I understand).

Incidentally, the ENTJ profile ‘trademark’ is often described as 'I'm really sorry you have to die' and though it sounds overblown I can’t say I don’t strongly identify with the sentiment. I imagine some of you can recognise this in me ;)
Anyway, when I have a slump I can occasionally become quite introverted which is highly unusual for me. An interesting side effect of this though, is that I have suddenly grown quite fond of blogging …. and let’s face it I was hardly blogging exceptionally regularly before. Again I say ‘ahem’.
I don’t feel particularly drawn to my usual interpersonal engagement, and random people asking things of me is not being met with a particularly enthused grace at present, but blogging lets me talk to people (because I’m still me, just having a comparatively introverted phase) without quite the same, suddenly draining, feeling that conversation does.  It’s interesting. I may have some vague insight into how all you INTJ types feel.
Blogging also gives me a misleading feeling of buffer so I’m doing things I may not usually do, and also feeling unconcerned with causing offense without cause. I’m not in a public space here so I can rant and wander to my hearts content without feeling like a knob. Tra la la, rant rant, oh look there’s a funny picture and a bootie shot. Have I told you about the time I anally fucked a girl with a scalding hot tea infuser? What do you think about spirituality? Do you like my shoes?
Anyway, from all this I have deduced that one of the keys to successful blogging is introversion, a theory that a totally non-scientific two minute 'poll' in her head would appear to support. N is a strongly defined INTJ. Master’s piece is an INTJ, I imagine also strongly defined. In fact most O/p bloggers are introverts from what I can tell. So, hurrah for this major scientific breakthrough brought to you from the wilds of Suffolk this fine Sunday evening!
But if it came to introversion and a semi maintained blog or my E-ness, I’ll stick with the latter. I mean, someone has to put the world to rights, offer tea and crumpets to the good people, slay a few fuckwits, and then organise a lovely party afterwards, don’t they?

1 comment:

Spring said...

another INTJ here.